Friday, September 16, 2011

Thai translation. I would like my sons name translated to Thai script fpr a tatoo.?

His name is Rory James Flynn.Hope someone can help. The more responses the better as a tatoo is forever.don't want to get it wrong.
Thai translation. I would like my sons name translated to Thai script fpr a tatoo.?
I'm Thai and luckily there're thai font on my keyboard. The only problem is I'm not sure exactly how to pronounce the name. But it's worth trying.

If your son's name pronounced like: Ro-ree James Flin
then the Thai script would be:

???? ????? ????

I hope the script shown right, it's kinda small..
but yeah.. better than nothing!

hope the tattoo turns out great!
Thai translation. I would like my sons name translated to Thai script fpr a tatoo.?
i dunno
i dunno
I am assuming that you want your sons name written in Thai - well - after wondering why, I would ask several different thai people to transliterate it for you as you are working in a different alphabet with different sounds, there is no for sure, correct answer.. They do not leally have an "R" sound - the usual transliteration is Lor leua.. which is a slightly rolled r or l - it is an attractive looking letter.. good luck -
I'm Thai-literate, and I just wanted to verify the above Thai transliteration. I give it a thumbs up. Although, you might want a second "N" with a ga-ran (silence marker) over it when spelling "Flynn."

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