Friday, October 7, 2011

So you want to visit Indonesia ? See here first?

A lot of people come to Indonesia. A lot of innocent tourist who end up duped by greedy locals her efrom anything from a simple taxi ride to a hotel stay to shopping issues.

drop me a mail before you come here, i will give you an accurate and affordable detail on what to do where to go, where to stay, how to deal with things so you don't end up paying more than what the locals do. yes i do take a fee ( nothing comes for free ) but I only take $ 10 per person or $ 20 per family ( maximum 4 members ) and you probably will save in excess of $ 400 - $ 700 in unecessary expenditure.

( you do the math ) confidentiality guaranteed
So you want to visit Indonesia ? See here first?
Pay for information many offer for free on the net? I will definitely do my sums.
So you want to visit Indonesia ? See here first?
Yup, a negative-marketing like you did wich make indonesia looks worst. Shut up and give another person the real information. indonesia are not that bad, and you proffed by live there.
Yup, a negative-marketing like you did wich make indonesia looks worst. Shut up and give another person the real information. indonesia are not that bad, and you proffed by live there.
oh come on.indo isn't that bad, u're making it worse by threatening ppl who are abt to visit indo.for much needed income from tourists' spending

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